Exchanges or trading platforms
AIM (Ticker: EXR)
ISIN for the ordinary shares: IEOOBGOHDR01
Share Information
Shares in issue: 524,826,146
Options & Warrants: 42,078,473
Fully Diluted: 566,904,619
Shares not in public hands: 56.64%
The Company has no shares held in treasury.
Significant Shareholders
On the basis of notifiable shareholdings declared to the company, at this time the following shareholders have declared a shareholding in excess of 3% of issued share capital. All shareholder notifications with such declarations will be promptly announced to market.
Shareholder Name | Number of shares | % |
Canaccord | 86,334,299 | 16.45 |
Octopus Investment Limited | 63,692,391 | 12.14 |
HTC | 62,780,087 | 11.96 |
Seneca | 21,583,574 | 4.11 |
Enterprise Ireland | 18,998,760 | 3.62 |
Unicorn AIM VCT Plc | 18,977,000 | 3.62 |
Premier Miton | 18,625,000 | 3.55 |
Related Parties - Directors' Shareholdings
Shareholder Name | Number of shares | % |
David Whelan | 39,370,000 | 7.50 |
Sandra Whelan | 39,213,000 | 7.47 |
Richard Cooper | 1,070,400 | 0.20 |
Seamus Larrissey | 407,500 | 0.08 |
Statement of the Rights of Shareholders
Incorporated and registered in the Ireland with registered number 613330 and therefore the rights of shareholders may be different from the rights of shareholders in a UK incorporated company
Restrictions on transfer of AIM securities
There are no restrictions on the transfer of the Company’s AIM securities.